Soap she Knows Young And The Restless Spoilers Wednesday 7/20/2022 - Ashland threatens against Victor

Young and the restless spoilers Wednesday, July 20th, 2022, Michael was angry at Nikki's coercion, claiming he didn't want to harm Diane because he had no grudges against her, but Nikki forces him to do it. 

Soap she Knows Young And The Restless Spoilers 

Michael gets angry and yells. I'm not your employee. Shut up. Michael succeeded in putting Ashland in jail, but it was only a few days before he came out again.Nothing to do with Ashlyn. Meanwhile, Diane was prepared to be Michael's ally.Michael says that he will help Diane defeat Nikki, taking this as a great lesson, teaching Nikki to understand not to touch or affect others when there is no hatred. The trapped Diane created was for Ashland. But why did she want to do it? 

She is secretly connected to Victor or Michael.Kyle tells his mother that she can't do this. Ashland is detained by the police in front of Harrison. The boy's mind will be unstable. Let ashlyn's image for ever be a good person in his eyes. After Adam resigned from Newman Enterprises, the atmosphere here was quite quiet, but everything happened too quickly.

Ashley goes to prison.Victoria has yet to find her next purpose in life. Michael says that the person they should be worried about is not Adam, not Ashland. He has the fury of an animal and willing to harm anyone.Meanwhile, Ali and Diane secretly see each other constantly. Allie wants Diane to sign an agreement and keep their secret no matter what. 

Allie is afraid that everyone will find out really who she is, and this happy life will be broken. One thing's for sure, Allie isn't Chemo's daughter, and what the hell are they doing? Why take the title of a dead person?In exchange for a happy life, does Allie have no heart? She's cruel, deceiving Jack's feelings and achieving her goals. But this is all dianne's plan. What does she want from Allie? 

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